Saturday, December 25, 2010

It's Christmas, it's Christmas...

We make the kids 
(and Zoe...what an obedient puppy)
wait at the top of the stairs 
so they can all go down 
and witness the magic that is Christmas
It's a bit torturous of us 
I know...

Our pictures are very lacking this year. 
See that deathly ill thing lying on the couch in the background?
That would be me.
I got through all the Christmas Eve festivities...
Caroling and the nativity
without a hitch. 
The children were nestled all snug in their beds
and I was finishing up some last minute wrapping.
When out of no where
 I was so rudely ambushed by the Grinch!
Headache, fever, nausea 
set in and I literally thought I was going to die!
I barely made it downstairs to see
the kids open presents Christmas morning.
Then my poor sweet husband 
had to get our kids dressed in their holiday best
 do the girls hair (a feat in itself)
prepare the dish we had to bring
finish wrapping the presents for the cousins
drive up the snowy canyon
 to spend Christmas day with the family...
while I lay huddled on the bathroom floor
What a gem he is!
I think it is safe for me to say,
this was 
(for my sickly self)
My kids still thought it was pretty great...

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